Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) is a tool created to stop email threats, such as sophisticated malware or hacking of sensitive data, from hitting your inbox

Stay ahead of Cyber Attacks

Critical for growing businesses

Comes with the email service. At no extra cost!

Key Features

IP threat intelligence+ DMARC filtering of inbound traffic

Blocks over 30-40% of overall incoming traffic originating from compromised devices. SIEM analysis of incoming requests detects and blocks malicious patterns.

Zero Day Malware & Ransomware Protection

AI & Predictive Models are used to analyse traffic, thus blocking attacks, whatever its source, in real time. 10,000+ heuristic algorithms are used to detect countermeasures like anonymisation of content. Suspicious emails are scanned through a sandbox that detonates the payload (attachment files and links), thus reducing false negatives to a near zero.

Spear Guard

Rediffmail uses a Machine Learning-based SVM model to detect Spear Phishing attacks like CEO Fraud Scams.

Anti Spam & Grey Mail filtering

Allows you to access your priority messages without being distracted by promotional messages which are delivered to the ‘Spam’ folder.

Proactive ID Protection

Protects mailboxes by blocking unauthorised access to your mailboxes. Historical data of user’s access pattern like most and least frequently used features, devices used, location, network, etc. is used to derive legitimate patterns and track & block aberrations in real time, thus protecting against Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the benefits of ATP solution?

Rediffmail for Work’s Advanced Threat Protection can provide your organization with better zero-day malware protection, keeping it safe from unsafe attachments and malicious links, in real time. It will help you to ensure that your organization doesn’t become a victim of malware, spoofing, or viruses that are being sent to your end-users. 

2. Is Rediffmail for Work's ATP a separate solution?

No, it is an integrated part of your secure email platform without any additional charges. You don’t have to invest separately in a 3rd party ATP provider.

3. Do you provide any dashboard that will help get a view of scanned mails?

Yes, a security dashboard is available within the admin panel, it will help the administrator to understand legit v/s spam mails delivery.

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