Access your emails, chats, calendar and files-on-cloud equally well on a smartphone, laptop, tablet or any other device.

Work from anywhere, anytime, on any device with Multi-device access & Mobile Apps

Seamless syncing across devices

Key Features

Single Sign-On

The Single Sign-On feature gives you access to all apps — Email, Chat (IM) and Rcloud — with just one authentication.

Data Encryption and Security

On mobile devices, the email data is securely encrypted to prevent miscreants from getting hold of your important business communications.

Offline Access

With support for offline access, you can use the time during travel to compose/reply-to emails, and these emails will be sent once the internet access becomes available.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I efficiently manage my mails with multiple devices?

You can keep your mailbox in sync between your computer & mobile devices. For computer, you can use the web based browser or any mail client with IMAP protocol & for mobile devices you can use Rediffmail for Work mobile apps or IMAP.

2. A user can login from how many devices?

Usually a user logins from a desktop/laptop on his computer, one or multiple mobile devices & tabs. All these are supported simultaneously with Rediffmail for Work.

3. Does the mail & instant messaging app need separate logins?

No, with single sign on facility you can access all the apps with single authentication.

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