Data is precious. If lost, will cost (Probably a lot!).
Read on to know how an agent-less Data Leak Prevention Solution by Rediffmail for Work can help prevent leakage of your sensitive business data out of your business email.
Suppose your business development leader, say Jay has just finished a meeting at a prospective client’s office in another city and is heading to the airport to fly back home. He’s already a little late to leave. In the taxi ride to the airport, he gets a call from his supervisor, Ram S. to urgently share his pipeline for an upcoming meeting with the management, and so he does. BUT, in a jiffy, he accidentally ends up sending it to Ram J. (who’s an external vendor selling a competitive product himself) instead of his boss, Ram S. Need we speak more about this situation?
Data leaks are unauthorised transmission of data from within an organisation to an external destination or recipient. Data leaks may occur physically or electronically; accidentally or intentionally and are among the top reasons for Data Loss.
Data is an extremely important asset for businesses today. Just as much as companies are responsible to look after their employees and infrastructure, they’re responsible for protecting their data too. Lost data such as intellectual property may cost businesses years of research and development and unimaginable amounts of revenue, whereas leaks of customer data such as personal identifiable information may invite litigations, immoderate penalties, ruin the business’s reputation in the market and may even lead to a complete shut-down.
Data Leak Prevention (subset of Data Loss Protection) is a set of methods used to protect sensitive business data from being leaked out of the organisation.
Rediffmail for Work offers a robust DLP solution that operates at the Gateway level and enables you to set customised DLP policies and apply rules to your outbound email traffic to effectively stop data loss. No installations in individual machines are required; There’s an excellent sending reputation for the outbound emails, since your DLP server sits within the Rediff environment; Tight coupling between the DLP software and the email gateway minimise the lag in sending emails. Therefore, excelling your emailing setup’s performance.
The on-board Content filtering features based on Keywords, Regular Expressions, File types and combination of any of these; not only in the mail body or the subject line or the signature but also in the attached files (using OCR) make up for a comprehensive means of ensuring leak prevention through your business email.
Moreover, incident reporting with crisp summary as well as logs with granular incident details and option for shadow logging enable robust admin control which helps achieve tight monitoring and blocking.
Flexible policy mapping to user groups, incident alerts to admin, maskable information in shadow logs enable efficient monitoring and protection of your outgoing business email data.
While Jay and his team take your business to the next level, implementing Data Leak Prevention can safeguard all the brilliant work that you’ve been up to. To get a guided tour of our DLP solution, get in touch with our product expert here.
To know more about how Rediffmail for Work can help your business, from one of our product implementation experts, reach out to us by clicking on the button below.
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